None of us like to be tested, let me tell you. I have spent the last two years in college and every exam deadline I had caused me intense anxiety. As the date came closer and closer, I seemed to pace more, bite my lip, breath harder, shoulders lifting higher and higher with each passing day. Testing was not my cup of tea. I think I would have even done better had they called these exams another other than a test.
In I Peter 1:6 & 7, God reminds us, "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the geuineness of your faith, being much more than precious gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
I most definitely could understand the testing by fire as I have encountered more hot flashes and heart palpitations during school than all my life. But God reminds me it is but for a little white, true, I graduate in Criminal Justice minoring in Juvenile Corrections on June 13th in which I greatly rejoice! The trials I have encountered this year so far have definitely been grievous to me. My husband lost his job, we are losing our home due to foreclosure the end of August and we must declare bankruptcy before moving from Oregon back to Arizona...and worse yet, without all my grown children we brought here to Oregon fourteen years ago.
I must remember though, far more is being tested than just my knowledge of criminal law. My genuineness is more precious to God than gold. I do praise God through these trials and testing, that I bring God honor and glory, and that Jesus Christ is revealed through me.
Turbulent Times for Testing; I want an A, how about you?
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