Thursday, January 19, 2006


Years ago, when I was carrying my youngest son, now eighteen, I was attending a charasmatic church with my family and the pastor had called me forward to pray for my unborn child. We had known for quite some time this baby was a special little one and the Pastor confirmed this when he spoke of his calling as a Prophet and continued praying for my baby. As soon as he finished, he quietly told me God was also healing my teeth. I was shocked. I had four front teeth that were decayed and disentegrating quickly and knew one day I would unfortunately loose these teeth at a very young age. He prayed for healing and blessed what God was doing. I was a bit embarrassed, but he had never even known I had teeth in need of a touch from God. About a month later, I was brushing my teeth before hopping into bed for the night, and I noticed four beautiful white teeth, NEW TEETH! He had completely healed these four teeth and made them like brand new. I ran into my husband and showed him, and he was filled with joy. I ran around the house showing off these new teeth of mine. I even went to the next door neighbors house and told them about what had happened and showed them my teeth. This was a profound experience for me because I had only been a Christian for a very short time. I had not even thought about asking God for this healing. I am not even sure if I gave much credit to Pastor Dino's prayer, but in my heart I knew God is a God of miracles. He is not a respector of person's, he would have died for me had I been the only one on the face of this earth. I thanked God immensely and still do for showing me I was special, too. Through this event, He not only healed my teeth, but helped me realize he knows my deepest heart cries, even before I utter them. He is in the business of miracles, spoken and unspoken, and I know He longs to do the same for anyone.

1 comment:

Donna J. Shepherd said...

Wow! What an answer to prayer! I've never heard of teeth being restored like that. Thank God, and and thank you for sharing that testimony.
