Thursday, December 28, 2006

Compromising Christians

It seems today the world is filled with compromising Christians. I was one for a time myself. I chose the shots, kept myself within a comfortable little bubble I scarcely left, and narrowed my mind enough to believe God could easily send someone else in my place if I felt unqualified for the job or request He had given me.

God mentions how he detests being neither hot nor cold, and would rather spit those of us that fit this mold, out of his mouth. WOW!
Alright, He has my attention now.

The God that loves me, adores me, sent His only Son for me, would rather spit me out of His mouth. And understandably so.

God tells us if we love Him, we will obey His commandments, But then why is it so easy for us to proclaim how much we love Him, yet it is so hard for us to obey the commands He has given us for our benefit?

As God desires a deep relationship with us, and has laid His most prized possession on the line for my sins, past, present and future, why can I not willingly and solely give my life over to Him to be used by Him in ways He sees best? That would mean complete surrender, oh no! It would mean breaking up my comfortable bubble and possibly changing seats to sit near someone new in church, or reaching out to the cashier in line at the grocery store when I see they have had a bad day, or worse yet, it might mean giving more to my church so that more needs could be met.
Compromise, that is why. We get to a complacent state in our walk with the Lord, and we forget Who it is we serve. Who we rely upon for our very existence, Who is our ultimate provider, precious sacrifice for our sins and deliverer when we are wronged or in trouble.

I believe that is why God told Moses to have the people erect a monument to remind His children of the great and awesome things He had done for them. And we too, need to be reminded so often, of just how big a God we can look to, trust in and rely upon.

God gives such simple commands, and yet we stoop to compromise when the going gets tough. Had Jesus taken this approach, we would all be lost to our sins and destined for the Lake of fire. Praise God He did not choose to compromise and He stayed true to His promises. He obeyed even Himself to the point of giving up His only Son. His Son that would be mocked by many, spit upon and ridiculed by crowds of people, and denied by those that even call upon His name.

God says obedience is better than sacrifice, and obedience is surely not for the compromising Christian.

Let the monuments in your mind and the love in your heart motivate you to be faithful and true to your God. Compromise no more because who wants to be spit out of God's mouth anyway?

Monday, December 18, 2006

Making Love Last

When I think of love lasting a lifetime, I think of what first had to happen to ensure a lifetime of love. It was commitment. It was making the decision that no matter what, literally through thick or thin, for rich or poor, in sickness and in health, until death, my husband and I will stay committed to one another, no matter what.

If you know us, you would know of the many trials we have weathered and came out smelling like roses. Well, maybe not roses, but definitely not sour milk. Even in the toughest of times, we stuck things out because we had made the decision to do this, 'til death do us part, literally, before we ever said the big, "I do".

Going into our marriage, we knew we were different, through the years we have learned we are more different than we realized, or took the time to find out. But we are married for life and we will continue to work at this relationship until one of us breaths our last breath. Knowing this, I believe we work at things from a different perspective than most married couples when the storms of life begin to come our way. Although we were not together for very long before we got married, we knew once married, this was it!

It seems when we are not working for our marriage, we are ever so quietly working against our marriage. Just like with the God we serve. We cannot serve both man and God. We either hate the one and love the other, or celebrate the one and despise the other. Marriage takes a lot of work, more than anyone tells you about before you enter into this holy union of teamwork and inevitable struggles. Making the decision to marry is quite a serious one and a decision that requires much prayer, thought, and consideration as to the mass changes that it will bring about in one's life whether they expect it or not.

With God always on your side as a married couple, there is assurance in knowing He is only a whisper away. I can't count the times in my earlier marriage, when there was much discord between my husband and myself, that I would sincerely cry out to God to come to me, and to comfort and calm my spirit and soul until He put me to sleep for the night. God always came through, and whether I needed this night after night, or once in a great blue moon, He was always there to help me hang in there, or to convict me of my wrongs and help me get them right with my hubby.

Marriage without the Lord at the center is truly no marriage at all. God's power is what makes you grow closer to one another as well as to the Lord Himself. He can supply understanding when there is only confusion. He can comfort and heal like no other Holy Spirit can, He is so crazy about you, He loves spending time with you. What better friend to spend your entire life with?

So I will continue to stay committed to my one and only. Through blizzard or sunshine, our marriage will grow stronger and we will become more like Jesus in the meantime. We will have a marriage for a lifetime that weathers any storm. We will have a strong legacy of marriage to pass down to out grandchildren and we will learn to enjoy the simplest of things, like loving one another for a lifetime.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Silent Sanctuary

In the coolness of the night, the stars shown brightly as a magnificent show in the heavenlies. The crackling of the embers from a fire not yet burned out, reminds me of more solemn days of old. I did not shiver from the low temperatures all around me as the warmth from the fire kept me cozy. I stood with warm vanilla tea in hand, staring at the marvelous scenery all around me. Though the skies were surely dark and the air lightly crisp, I drew a smile amongst tall Evergreens and beautiful Aspens that beheld even the quietest arrangement of this autumn season. A beautiful light danced across the star-filled sky and I watched with wonder as it gracefully fell from one part of the universe to the other. Peace and quiet filled the air as I thought about how this time of rest so fulfilled me and brought joy to my restless heart. Appreciation filled my deepest being and the longing of my heart at that very moment was to be nowhere else but where I was. Contentment was my best friend in the stillness of the silent night. "How thankful I am to be alive this moment", I said to myself. To enjoy the time of solitude beneath the skies that show forth my Maker's sheer brilliance. What a night to remember, to ponder and reflect upon.
Here and now, was all that mattered.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tiffany's Wedding Day - An event To Remember

Well, October 7th came and went and now my daughter Tiffany is a Fuller. It was beautiful. God was most definitely glorified and so many told me how they were touched by the ceremony.

Tiffany felt the peace of God that she so needed before her wedding. We prayed for her nervousness to subside and God showed up mightily. As she, in sheer radiance and her Father in subdued excitement, stood at the door before entering the outside courts filled with family and friends, a blanket of peace fell upon her like oil of annionting. All nervousness left, she felt peace like a river and proudly walked down the aisle with her arm in her loving Father's clutch. I watched from the front and cried, looked away, cried again as I tried to watch this blessed event unfolding right before my eyes as I continually dried my tears. They flowed like a river for happiness in seeing Tiffany so beautifully adorned with Jesus all over her face, with sadness of losing a little girl whom I'd grown so fond of, with excitement for the plans ahead God has for her, and for relief of a special day that began in the making the day she was born.

Realizing I did not get the alone moment I so wanted before she wed and regretted deeply not getting to pray for her once more and bless her right before we parted, I looked around at the beautiful skies of blue God blessed us with on this special day. I listened to the birds sing their song of joy as they flew round about the evergreens. I glanced at my husband's face filled with sheer anticipation of what lies ahead for his precious daughter. The maid of honor and bride's maids were beautifully arranged beside one another joyfully looking on with great approval. The best man, (my youngest son), and groomsmen (one of which was my oldest son), stood so handsome and together as they watched this blending of two lives take place. The boldness in Jeff's face, yet shivering a bit from inevitable anxiety, was a gift to see knowing the deep love he has for my daughter and the genuine love he has for their Lord.

Truly it was a blessed event I believe many will never forget. A salvation message was given from our Pastor, with emphasis on how Jeff and Tiffany want nothing more than for all watching them that day join in holy matrimony, to know, truly know, the Jesus they gladly serve and accept His love for themselves. The scripture they put on the bottom layer of their cake was Psalm 31:3. It read, For You are our rock and our fortress; for Your name's sake, You will lead us and guide us. Their scripture they had put on bookmarks was I Corinthian's 13, the love chapter. They wanted all to know what true love really is. The worship leader from our church played wonderful worship music and lead all to ponder on God's existence, His love for us and the need we have to accept Him.

Things have settled down. I helped her unpack things in her own house as we had anticipated doing for so long. She chose a beautiful plaque with the scripture in Joshua regarding her and her house being saved to adorn a wall in which all would see when they enter her and Jeff's home. She carefully thought out where every item should go as to keep her home in order. My husband and I are going over this week to anoint and bless their home as one where God fills the walls and every nook and cranny with His very presence, where He is searched for, considered and lived out in their lives daily, and where others may come and be blessed as much as they have been by a God Who loves them so very much and wishes that none would perish but all would understand God's gracious gift of acceptance of His Son, Jesus so that all would have everlasting life!

Being a Mother of a bride is a blessed, yet stressful event that jars your soul, pricks your spirit and creates a joy within your body that not only forever embraces you, but can transform your very being into one more like Jesus. Remembering His faithfulness to find the mate you prayed for all your daughter's life. Thanking Him for His goodness in surrounding her with His love, forgiveness, patience, grace and mercy as she grew waiting for this moment in time. And finally pouring yourself out to Him that He might fill you up with all that your daughter will need to help her be the bride of your son-in-law's dreams, the Godly woman that will teach others to fear her God in a healthy way, the blessed Mother who will in turn teach her children the ways of the Lord and diligently pray for their future spouses the way you earnestly prayed for her. As she seeks God first in all she does, her heart's desires will come to pass. As she trusts fully in Him, in good times and in bad, He will carry her the distance and promises to never leave her of forsake her. As she grows in her Lord her character will reflect more of God's and in turn attract others to her to learn of her awesome God and Savior.

As I pray for her 'til my last breath, I can know I leave her in the best care possible for her, for her husband and her offspring. I can close my eyes and join all of heaven realizing my little girl is in almighty God's hand, and nothing and no one can pluck her out. What a feeling of assurance to one day leave this world with. What more could a Mother of a precious daughter ask for.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Anticipated Changes

Well, it has been some time since I was able to come and blog. Alot has taken place in my life and I cannot believe I missed all of August. But finally, here I am.

In less than a month, my youngest daughter, Tiffany Renee', born over 20 years ago, is getting married. She will no longer be a Spooner, but a Fuller. She is not so sure about this, but I reassured her she will always be a Spooner in one way or another.

The anticipation of this blessed yet sad event in my life has pulled and stretched me to new limits. I first was happy for her and her fiance', Jeffy, whom we love dearly. Then I thought about it and realized no more movies together at midnight. I won't see her sleeping in her bed anymore first thing in the morning. We can't just walk out the door together in a split second and grab an ice cream cone. Yes, things are changing and the anticipation of such is quite disturbing.

She mentioned today how she is so excited to decorate her own house for Halloween. She loves lights, baskets, spider webs, stuffed animals and buying candy for children and giving them tracts telling of Jesus'love for them. How she wants Thanksgiving dinner at her and Jeff's house this year, oh my, and we are looking for Christmas lights, decorations and bulbs for her own tree in her own home. WOW! I am overwhelmed now. October 7th is going to come all too quickly for me.

I still remember her carryong around her kitty cat like a babydoll. Strolling it down the street and trying to give it a bottle of milk. I see her dancing in the living room with her older sister and falling on the floor laughing. I remember how her older brother would carry her all over the house as an infant and she settled down while in his arms. Her younger brother would share his cars with her and all she wanted was to play Barbies, in which he obliged her for a time. I still see her going to the movie theater with her dad on a date night and her and I strolling around Walmart; wishing, dreaming and of course shopping for everything from jewelry and paint, to food and clothing.

The other day she tried on her wedding dress, shoes, jewelry and tiara. She looked so beautiful. I wanted to cry but knew there was more time for that another day. I stood so proud as she smiled and sheer excitement radiated from her eyes. She was a now a precious woman of God. Not a little girl, not a teenager, but a stunning woman who loves the Lord with all her heart.

Although she waits with an anticipation that only a bride to be can have, with tears steaming down my face I realize I, too, wait with great anticipation for the day I proudly watch her walk down the aisle made for her with colorful navy and white flower petals on a gorgeous green bed of grass in the crisp season of fall, her favorite time of year I might add. With great anticipation, as I look in her eyes through netted veil, I will smile with tears of joy and hold her in my arms, close to me, one more time, just as when she was first born, and look up to heaven and graciously thank God for this sweet blessing from above He allowed me to enjoy that will be my daughter 'til the end of time, my friend for as long as we have breath, and my sister in the Lord for eternity.

Yes, there are many changes ahead for me, and for her, but the anticipation is one which I know God can be glorified in, His joy can strengthen me, and my daughter and I can have a deeper friendship with one another we never thought possible.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

A Dog In The Hand - Proverbs 139:9 &10

Shortly after I adopted Morgan, he became deathly sick. His next days were spent in "doggie ICU". Thankfully, he healed. Thrilled to have him back, I brought him home and let him out to do his business.
The next thing I knew, he'd gone AWOL.
I live in a hilly area. My south-side neighbor's yard is lower than mine. Wire fencing separates our properties. Morgan found a gap in that fence and slipped through, doubtlessly lured by some bird or squirrel. He was having a ball!
I was having a fit!
Who knew if the next yard was gated? What if Morgan got out of that one too? He hadn't had time to learn the neighborhood. Suppose he took off? Would he vanish forever? Never mind my investment in vet bills-I had lost my heart to this dog. I feared in the time it took to run through my house and around to my neighbor's house my little guy might be gone. Heart in mouth, I squeezed through the same gap in the fence and jumped down after him.
Somehow, I landed without breaking a limb and gathered the little runaway into my arms. Sighing with relief, I carried him out to the street. Only then did I realize I had locked myself out.
Though the back door was open, my front door wasn't. The gate to my yard was locked too. I couldn't hoist Morgan over the top of the gate or squeeze him underneath. I had no leash to tie him up. In my panic, I didn't think to leave him with a neighbor. I seized on the only option I saw; to climb over the gate with my dog in my arms.
Folks, do not try this at home, but by God's grace, I made it. I hadn't lost Morgan. He had been at risk-like the time I nearly got myself and several others killed.
I had just finished college, I was still a young Christian, and I wanted to grow in my faith. I seized a chance to work on a training program at a Christian ministry. Before I left home, I took driving lessons and my parents bought me a car.
Since few on the program had wheels, the car got plenty of use. As a brand-new driver, I was still a bit tentative and nervous. At times I let someone else take the wheel and played passenger instead. That would have ben a good idea one particular day.
I didn't realize the cold medication I'd taken could affect my driving. I was leaving the ministry with a carload of people. I had to turn left onto a busy mountain highway. Thinking I had checked both ways, I hit the gas. I never noticed the car on my right, speeding toward me down the mountain.
The other driver swerved to avoid us, spinning his car toward the mountain's edge. They could have been killed. We all could have been killed if the cars had collided. But none of us were even scratched. God surely held us fast that day-it was a miracle!
My Master kept holding me fast in the days and weeks that followed. He knew I was still in trouble. Though I was physically unharmed, my psyche was chopped liver. Guilt and horror flooded me as I thought of the carnage I had nearly caused. I sank into depression. Our mountainous setting had some drops, and I still recall gazing over the edge of one, wishing I had the guts to jump. Deep down, I knew I wouldn't go that far, but I longed to be out from under the smothering blanket of gloom that seemed as though it would never lift.
During all of this, God held me close...this time, through His people.
Caring Christians enfolded me with their prayers, encouragement, and counsel. They knew when to give me space and when to talk turkey. When the time was right, they urged me to learn from my mishap and move forward. A friend kept my car for awhile, and then slowly got me back in to driving-which I'd thought would never happen. Christ's body became the arms of His love. In time, I healed because, though I'd lost my grip, God hadn't. He grips me still.
I kept Morgan close because I loved him. Years later, I still hold him fast. But one day death will take him from me. I am powerless to stop it. Not so my Master. He gave His Son to break death's hold on me. His word assures me that nothing can ever separate me from His love. I am safe in His hand, and He will hold me close forever.

My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand. My Father, Who has given then to Me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my father's hand. I and the Father are one. John 10:27-30

CONSIDER THIS ~ Have there been times when you were at risk and God held you fast? What did you learn about His love? His power? His faithfulness? How might God use you as His hand to lift up someone else?

Credits do not belong to me, this was written by those authoring the book "Four Paws from Heaven", M.R. Wells, Kris Young & Connie Fleishauer

Monday, July 03, 2006


I was thirteen years old,
so innocent and free.
My father and I
What a pair we would be.

Hanging Christimas lights,
Painting houses at his side.
Spending time together
Next to him I would abide.

One spring day things took a turn
As my father sat by me.
He apologized for his actions
In which I had yet to see.

He told me of his leaving
Reasons why he could not stay.
None made any sense to me
I had no choice but say okay.

One by one he removed his things
As tears streamed down my face.
I remember asking, "Must you leave?"
And saw a look of true disgrace.>
I tightly clung to his jammies
He'd left on the floor.
And asked God "But why?"
As he walked out the door.

My heart felt a tearing
As my face stung in pain.
I assessed what was happening
And knew I'd nothing to gain.

Without looking back
The door closed behind him.
I gently clutched my sweet sister
While our lives looked so grim.

Our world suddenly shaken
It truly was tough.
But we had eachother
Somehow, that was enough.

'Til this day we are close
My sweet sister and I.
But not many days go by
That I don't ask, "But why?"

Saturday, June 17, 2006

My baby truns 19 today~

Today is my youngest son's 19th bday, June 16th, 2006. I just wanted to use this time to share how thankful I am for his life, for being his mom and having the opportunities to seed in to his future. The future God has planned for him. Jer. 29:11

Branden, I am your biggest fan. I know you know this. I have prayed for you since before you were born. I pray for you as you become the man God has called you to be. And I will continue to pray for you on my deathbed while breathing my last breath. I love you Branden, never forget this, or how very special you are to God, your ultimate Father.

Lovingly always,
Mom John 3:16

Friday, May 26, 2006

Hard Times in Rough Spots

I recently had the honor of comforting a dear friend of mine going through some truly hard times. As I listened to her sorrow and heard her pain and grief, I could not help but feel the same and cry just the same. I know God never promised us joy in every situation. Especially those rough spots we get ourselves into.

It seems in our lives, we have our own plans as well as God;s plans. Of course just like the straight and narrow road leads to life everlasting, the winding and broad road to eternal death, so it is with plan A from God or plan B for ourselves.

When my husband and I bought our home five years ago, we never planned on living the heartache we have since the first winter we spent here. Two weeks after the rain came, our toilet in our front bathroom refused to flush, the bathtub would not drain, and our horses were standing in knee deep mud in the pasture. The first year when we went to move furniture around, we found 18 inches of black and green mold heartily growing along three of the inside bedroom walls. We are still fighting this predator to little avail. We tried blaming God, the woman who sold us this house, the real estate agent who helped us purchase this house, eachother, and then finally the true culprit, ourselves. We had to finally take blame for the most part for the havoc we brought upon ourselves and our children for the past five years.

God says in, Matthew 11:30, "His yoke is easy and His burden is light". We carry heavy backpacks because we have filled them ourselves with rocks or because we do not lay them down at the altar for Jesus to carry for us. In I Peter, God tells us to "Cast your burdens on Him, for He cares for you."

Next time you are going through hard times and are in a rough spot, look unto heaven, meet eye to eye with your heavenly Father, and pour out your heart to Him. He says in Hebrews 13:5, "He will never leave you nor forsake you." Often we get ourselves into rough spots that cause us hart times. Let Jesus lift you out of despair through repentance and confession. He says in I John 1:9, " If you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive you your sins, AND cleanse you from all unrighteousness." Your hard times can become times of victory, and the rough spots can be made smooth and calm with Jesus. Philippians 4:13 reminds you, "All things are possible through Jesus Christ." Be encouraged!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Simplify for Your Sanity

I have been spending a lot of time around my home trying to simplify things and organize. It seems a neverending task when I look around at all of the stuff I have accumulated. Things from long ago, recently purchased, items given to me by others, special things of great worth and sentiment. It is no wonder I get so overwhelmed with where to put all of these items. It makes me feel insane as I ty to get my mind focused on the enormous job awaiting my devout attention.

I believe God is speaking to my heart about simplifying my life by sorting out the necessary and the unimportant. I have memories, both easily recalled and those that take far more effort to bring to mind. I feel as if one day I will forget everything that meant so very much to me. So I tuck items of any significance away in order to have them at my fingertips when I want to remember and soak up the moment one more time.

I must be thoughtful though, of the quality of my life each day. Looking around at all of this stuff seems to get in the way of my enjoying the moment. Organizing, pictures alone, will take the rest of my life and finding places for everything special to me, puts me in a place of needing a second house just to store everything.

So I am taking my time going through all the special items that I had such great memories for, but sharing many with those that are less fortunate. I am reminded of the saying, "One man's trash is another man's treasure". So true. I have 1/3 of a garage to prove this to be true. What is stored in all those boxes, I have no idea, and I definitely have not been enjoying those things where they lay.

For my own sanity I must accomplish this task. Stuff has filled my living space and cramped my style long enough. As today is the day of salvation, it is also the day to sort and send off to another place. Who knows, maybe some of my stuff, might become a memory for someone else and serve a better purpose than sitting in a box forgotten.

To simplify, is truly great sanity.

Friday, March 10, 2006


Today, shockingly, I learned two people I know are either getting divorced or already are. An older couple that I have known for over ten years, and a couple that are very good fiends of my oldest son and daughter-in-law. Was it a covenant or a contract that they recognized between them?

It amazes me still, how we so quickly find another significant other, throw in the towel and think the grass is greener on the other side. Years of being together with the one you once were attracted to, heavily in love with and felt you must spend the rest of your life with seem to mean nothing when the going gets rough and tough.

Since God ordained marriage, there is no way of taking Him out of this event. Marriage is between two people, a man and a woman. Not a contract between two business partners, but rather a covenant between husband and wife. Marriage is something far more than a piece of paper between two people. It is actually a covenant between each person and almighty God. The two are united and made 'one flesh'. This is a supernatural act that was not invented by any human, but created and put into existence by God Himself. It is a holy institution between husband and wife. It cannot be easily broken or taken lightly when one or both parties wants to bail out, and it is not taken lightly by God either.

In Malachi, God says He hates divorce. Such a strong word for a man filled with unconditional love and compassion for people. This institution was never meant to be broken. It was meant to last for a lifetime.

Look at the damage divorce causes in both parties. Immediately as well as many years down the road. The effects of this decision are still taking their toll on everyone involved. Not to mention the heartache it brings to children that can't understand how mommy and daddy are no longer together. It even changes these same children's idea of marriage one day. What a toll is takes on the family.

Marriage takes work, a lot of work is what my twenty-six year old son, married for seven years now, told me tonight. The feelings are not the same twenty years down the road. There is security in knowing the same man or woman you have married, has devoted their life to you, and chosen to love you 'until death do you part'. So often, The man goes out of his way to win the woman's heart, until the vows are spoken, and then he has conquered. The woman expends every bit of energy to serve her man, until the vows are spoken and then she grows weary of this medial task. What happened? What changed? Was it possibly the whole idea of marriage they had in the first place?

Marriage must be seen as a covenant between man/woman and God and eachother. A covenant is not like a contract, it was never meant to be broken. The repercussions are endless and exhausting. So many lives, innocent lives are affected. Once happy families are ripped apart, shattered lives take years to be mended, if at all, and hopes and dreams are crushed beneath the feet of those who once dared to hope and dream for themselves.

Think long and hard, before attempting to break this covenant. Especially with almighty God. The law may permit such a thing, but God says from the beginning it was not so. It happens now, because of the hardness of hearts. Coldness sets in and blinds couples from the truth. The enemy comes in like a flood and speaks lies to children and as families try to pick up the pieces, identities are lost, parents go their separate ways, children feel broken and are abandoned, thrown away and forgotten like worn out furniture.

Marriage is honorable by all. When broken, it is a dishonor even to society. Divorce is serious. It is final and requires a lot of energy and work. Why not put this energy and work into restoring the marriage instead of ending it. When a couple divorces, it is not over. A new life has just begun, and that new life will one day have to reconcile with the old life. Involuntarily or not. It will have to happen. Confrontation will occur, pain will rise and not be put out. Regret will set in, and so will the realization that there was a better way.

Marriage is a covenant, a statement of lifelong commitment and devotion. It provides security and stability that a man and woman cannot find anywhere else on earth. Covenant or contract? Will you realize the difference before it's too late?

Monday, February 13, 2006


Recently I was in an automobile accident. Nothing very serious, but enough to leave me with headaches, aches and pains in my neck, back and left knee. I not only had to evaluate the condition of my body, but the attitude of my heart.

My husband and I were heading home one night, when an uninsured driver rear-ended us. The driver proceeded to run and my husband chased him down. I think the chase was more exciting than the accident itself. Needless to say, we did get his plate number, only to find out it was a stolen vehicle.

Several times I had to test my attitude towards this man who hit us, then ran, and did not make any attempt to see if we were alright or not. I found myself worrying for the kid on the bike that might be riding next to this man on the way home. I called 911 and unfortunately there were no officers around to apprehend this guy.

When we had calmed down a bit, I kept thinking of the nerve of this man, to hit us and then run. Now our insurance will have to take care of the medical bills and damage to my car I just bought a month ago. I tried to remember that Jesus loves him too, and that he is obviously not just running from the law, but he is running from the Lord and himself as well. I decided to pray for him, not so much to get caught but to get to the end of his rope so that he has nowhere to look but up to God for help. I prayed no one's life would be taken in the meantime, and that this guy would surrender quickly.

This made me think of the times I am sure God is waiting for me to get to the end of my own rope. To look up and stop looking at myself or all around for the help I need. I Peter 5:7 reminds us to "Cast our cares upon Jesus for He cares for us". How often I forget this and walk around for long periods of time, frustrated and feeling so alone. God says His burdens are light and His yoke is easy. How quickly I forget this!

You see, I have been carrying a lot of frustrations and bitterness. I have been filled with defeat and fighting depression for some time now. The attitude of my heart has definitely had a chance to emerge and remind me how frail, lowly and weak I truly am without God. I have realized my attitude definitely dictates my responses to others, as well as influences my relationship with the Lord.

The battle was in my mind, to either get mad at this guy who was on the run, or pray for him. I am sure he needed to know Jesus as much as I had. An attitude adjustment is what I needed. God knows just how to accomplish this through trials and tribulations. Opportunities for the wrong heart attitude to pop up quickly and reveal who I am, where I am going and what my next steps will be.

I am thankful for the test of the attitude of my heart. More often than not I fail, but this time....I passed. I pray I run into this man and have the right words to share with him. Words that will show him the attitude of his heart, and hopefully turn him to a most gracious and merciful God.

Monday, January 30, 2006


Psalm 150:1 says "Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord."

This is a quote I use often in the signature of my emails I send out each day to family and friends. When I think of everything that has breath, I am reminded of my sweet Lhasa Apso's. I wonder how they praise the Lord. I know the Bible talks about even the rocks praising God. What an awesome concept. Things that do not even have life as we know it praise the Lord. So how much more should we living beings, created by almighty God, His very life breathed into us, praise Him?

I find in days of depression and frustration, it is not easy to praise the Lord. I know He tells us to count it all joy when trials and tribulations come our way, and they do. I try to reflect on scriptures like
Phil. 4:4, "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice."

I remember how Jesus suffered so much and that we should not be above suffering ourselves when our precious Lord and Savior suffered much.

I will often put on praise and worship music to help me enter into the frame of mind I am to have at all times actually. God says "He inhabits the praises of His people." So what better place to be than in the very presence of God Himself? There is no better place to be.

Whether in good times, or in bad, whether during prosperity or poverty, when it shines or when it rains, I must choose to praise God if only because I have breath.

I can be thankful to Him because I am living this day, have a voice to sing praises with, hands to lift on high in adoration, and a heart that beats to the very rhythm of His calling. I will praise the Lord, with everything within me as long as I have breath!

Friday, January 27, 2006


It's the deep feeling of servanthood that forever resides in your heart and intensely stirs your soul. Whether full of strength or unimaginably weak, the task must be accomplished!

The man on the street needing fed and clothed, the lonely child without a father gently searching for love, the single mother found at the grocery store fifty cents short for a loaf of bread, a rejected teenager who's only bed is the backseat of a car, the recently widowed man who's suddenly alone in the cold and distant world, an orphaned infant left tragically alone when a natural disaster claims its parents lives, are all circumstances which cannot be ignored, forgotten, or left uncared for.

There is no choice, only the command. Obedience is not an option but is mandatory just as a heart beats, until inevitable death. It wakes you at night to pray earnestly, produces tears for another one's pain, allows for immense happiness in a time of rejoicing and causes extreme sacrifice at all costs even unto an untimely death.

Instilled by Almighty God, gently spoken by Jesus Himself, and birthed by the Holy Spirit, this calling is a substance both tangibly felt and ferociously driven. It is inevitably accepted and acted upon in a most incredible way, leaving your soul satisfied and your spirit uplifted. It's this calling that owns every part of the one that is chosen, imparting an eternal God-given purpose, unmistabley real and devotedly divine.

This calling is what motivates as it intensifies. There is no escaping it. Nor would you want to. There is nothing quite like it in all the world.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Tonight, my youngest daughter Tiffany, was sharing with me how God was showing her just how much patience He has with her. She sculpts equine and has been working on a very elaborate piece for over a year now. Needless to say, she has felt exhilerated, frustrated, excited and defeated during the course of this entricate project.

She told me just as she forms the clay figure, it often it resists her slightest touch. She diligently works with it, removing ever so gently edges she no longer desires. Tiffany sometimes has to start all over, and often she has wanted to just give up. God showed her how much patience He has with her. Often she too resists and is on edge from time to time. But never does her heavenly Father want to start all over with her. Never does He want to just give up on her. As a matter of fact, He specifically tells her in His Word, He will never leave her nor forsake her.

This reminded me of how impatient I am with others from time to time. How I often resist God's nudging, miss His voice, resist His molding of me, and sometimes feel like giving up on Him when the world comes crashing around me and I feel He is not near or does not care. I Peter 5:7 tells me to "Cast my cares upon Him for He cares for me." How can He mold me and be the Potter He needs to be, when I , the clay, am rebuking His correction? How can He mold and make me into His own image when I am not compliant, cooperative or content in the trials or tribulations He has allowed for me?

I must realize as my daughter Tiffany has, that because it is God Who is the Potter, and thankfully I am the clay, I know these truths. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I am complete in Him, no one can pluck me out of my Father's hand, I am more than a conqueror through Him Who strengthens me, and I have an inheretance because of Jesus' death for me. WOW!

We truly serve a patient and loving God. One Who will never give up on us!!

Monday, January 23, 2006


I ask myself from time to time as I look around me at the trials and tribulations I am going through, who I am and why am I even here. I know I am a child of God because I believe in Jesus and have received His gift of salvation. Acts 16:31
I know I have received an inheritance because of Jesus' death on the cross for me and He now lives in me. Eph. 1
I realize God knew me while I was being formed in my mother's womb. Psalms 139

But for some reason, I still wonder about my existence and place in this world.

Jeremiah 29:11
says the Lord has plans for me, plans not of harm or pain, but to give me a hope and a future. I truly must choose to stand on these words, sometimes daily when the storms get so fierce and I am being tossed to and fro by unmerciful waves. I must believe God has great plans for me and cares about the smallest affairs of my life. He feeds the birds and surely I am more to him than fowl of the air.
I am the apple of His eye. I can be secure in His love for me, and I know He will let nothing happen tome outside of His will for my life. With God on my side, what could mere man do to me.

I have all these promises and so many more. Maybe my focus is all wrong. I should be keeping my eyes on the One who created me, not the circumstances I often create for myself. Let me encourage you to do the same. No one compares to Him. Almighty God, King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

What more significance could we ever need?

Saturday, January 21, 2006


I heard a song recently from Casting Crowns both that stirred my heart and swept my emotions away to a heavenly place I wished I could remain. Its focus was to praise God in the storm. Something I am not in the habit of doing but have made the decision to start. It mentions of how He holds my tears in His hands like the ocean engulfs the rain as it descends from the sky above.

What a concept one not easily grasps. I think how full His hands must be with my tears as the seas swallow up the rain. How often I have dreaded hearing hte drops, nihgt after night, falling like pebbles from on high.

But now when I think of hte rain that usually depresses me so, I remember my Father's hands. How big and strong they are in holding my every tear. I can see how refreshment comes and new growth is inevitable.

So instead of shaking my head in despair, and hiding until the rain subsides, I can lift my head up to heaven through the rain, thank God for His refreshing hand of strength, comfort and love, even in my tears.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Years ago, when I was carrying my youngest son, now eighteen, I was attending a charasmatic church with my family and the pastor had called me forward to pray for my unborn child. We had known for quite some time this baby was a special little one and the Pastor confirmed this when he spoke of his calling as a Prophet and continued praying for my baby. As soon as he finished, he quietly told me God was also healing my teeth. I was shocked. I had four front teeth that were decayed and disentegrating quickly and knew one day I would unfortunately loose these teeth at a very young age. He prayed for healing and blessed what God was doing. I was a bit embarrassed, but he had never even known I had teeth in need of a touch from God. About a month later, I was brushing my teeth before hopping into bed for the night, and I noticed four beautiful white teeth, NEW TEETH! He had completely healed these four teeth and made them like brand new. I ran into my husband and showed him, and he was filled with joy. I ran around the house showing off these new teeth of mine. I even went to the next door neighbors house and told them about what had happened and showed them my teeth. This was a profound experience for me because I had only been a Christian for a very short time. I had not even thought about asking God for this healing. I am not even sure if I gave much credit to Pastor Dino's prayer, but in my heart I knew God is a God of miracles. He is not a respector of person's, he would have died for me had I been the only one on the face of this earth. I thanked God immensely and still do for showing me I was special, too. Through this event, He not only healed my teeth, but helped me realize he knows my deepest heart cries, even before I utter them. He is in the business of miracles, spoken and unspoken, and I know He longs to do the same for anyone.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Memories are what makes us laugh, and cry, smile and hurt. They make us feel warm and fuzzy all over, cringe with anticipation, jump for joy and sometimes quietly bow in sorrow. Memories stay with us, good and bad; they add to our lives and often take from our hearts.

Memories are what we have when we no longer have that special someone around. Our walls are filled with the laughter of our children when their own come for a visit. When looking in the mirror, a mother can see a glimpse of her daughter standing with her, giggling at the craziest hairdo, the outlandish makeup and the wildest outfit. A father can still see he and his son working heartily at cleaning the garage, rebuilding the engine to his son's car for the thrid time, and can reflect on the conversations they had over meals at their favorite Mexican food resturaunt.

Memories allow for excitement and renewal, heartache and great pain. They build us up and sometimes tear us down. You cannot hide them, escape them or remove them. They should be embraced with sensitivity, thankfulness and deep respect. Memories are what make us who we are, and remind us of who we were, what we had and where we've been.

Memories are always with us, in one fashion or another. They are what makes life worth living and give us hope for the future.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

First day of blogging...a very special day

Well, today is my first day blogging and I will make this short. It is my lovely daughter's 22nd birthday and I cannot believe the time that has flown by. I remember so clearly having her, holding her and naming her. She has grown from a precious little girl into a lovely young woman with her whole life ahead of her.
She is gentle, kind hearted and loves animals. The compassion she has for others is unique and refreshing. I have learned much from her.
Today, I dedicate this blog to her,
Christina Anne Spooner, my precious daughter, awesome friend, a blessing from above.
I love you Chrissy, with everything within me!!
Jeremiah 29:11-13 is for YOU!! Mama Nana XXOO