Tuesday, October 30, 2007

7 Ways to Overcome Depression

1. Fight it! Fight the urge to feel depressed. Hit it with everything you've got!

Don’t allow yourself to indulge in thoughts of sadness, sorrow, regret, hate, misfortune, anxiety, confusion or defeat. Stand tall, head up, shoulders back, and declare you were made for a purpose, others are looking up to you, victory is in your blood and new opportunities are in your hands.

2. Get involved! Get involved in helping someone else, and do it now!

Do look for opportunities to help someone less fortunate who has realistic needs. Reach out to them with open arms and lend them a hand or two. Smile and be thankful you are alive and able to lend a hand. It will make an enormous difference to that someone you thought didn’t even know you existed.

3. Count your blessings! Begin counting all the blessings bestowed upon you!

Don’t concentrate on what you don’t have, who you don’t know or why you are in the place you are in right now. Fix your eyes on those things that are of good report. Remember the simple joys in life and be thankful you have had them. Spend time reminiscing the past victories and realize you are blessed!

4. Look forward not backward! Look to the future and what it can hold for you!

Do see new possibilities and shoot for them. Tell yourself you can do anything you put your mind and heart to. Never give up, keep pressing on and do everything to the best of your abilities. Stop doubting yourself and see yourself as others see you. You are successful at whatever you put your hands to.

5. Be confident! See yourself as confident and carry yourself like a winner!

Don’t ever associate yourself again with the term, “loser”. Throw that word out of your vocabulary. You are a winner! Refuse to listen to anyone, including yourself, speak negative words to you. Speak and listen to only positive things and communicate words of victory and not defeat. Meditate on the unquestionable fact that you were born to win.

6. Take risks! Try new and risky things on for size and watch how great they fit!

Do experiment with new ideas, create new challenges, expect more from yourself and get ready for the results that will change your life. Believe in yourself like no one else ever has before. Rise to the expectations of your most wildest dreams! Go for it, and never look back!

7. Enjoy the ride! Life is an adventure and only gets better as the ride gets longer!

Sit back for a moment and laugh ‘til you can’t anymore. Delight yourself in the aspirations that drive you. Allow motivation to take you for the ride of your life. Hang on and let life inspire, fulfill and reward you with its passions, contentment and joyful surprises!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW -- You spoke to me right where I'm hurting today! A God thing that I read your blog when I did. Copied it off. Thanks, Denise. And I shall heed your wise words!