Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Cornerstone of Life

"All other ground is sinking sand. A doubting maze of desert land" are the words in a song sung by the group Day of Fire that speaks of God being our Cornerstone. I pondered this while listening to this song and realized if we put our trust in anything less than the awesome deity if Jesus Christ; if we have faith in anyone other than the Creator of this entire world we become one of the weakest links in humanity.

What exactly is a weak link? It's simply the person-hood of someone without strength, power, self control, ability to love unconditionally, forgive graciously and give continuously. A weak link looks to himself as their Cornerstone.

With that said, how do you measure up? I know I certainly have not arrived when I assessed what I put my trust in, who my faith was in and who actually was my chief Cornerstone. Although I devoutly believe in God, have my my faith in Jesus Christ and daily attempt to surrender my life, will, emotion and heart to the Lord, there are areas I have found to be very lacking.

Crises seems to prove who your cornerstone truly is. When things are going good it seems easier to forget who our very existence belongs to. We forget what we believe to be the keeper of our precious lives, our very breath, our sheer destiny in the life thereafter.

What is the foundation of everything we do? What motivates us, drives us, encourages us and even tears us down? If the living God is our Cornerstone, darkness never need to rule the heart of man, as we have been taken from darkness into the light. We are no longer slaves to sin but free to choose for ourselves whom our Cornerstone will be. If it is not Jesus, than who? If it is not the Creator of the world, than who? Is it you? Are you your own cornerstone? Do you place your trust in yourself having faith in no one else?

The most widely read book of all time says No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. In Matthew and Luke this verse is referring to loving God and money, but in reference to who our cornerstone is, we cannot idolize ourselves and choose God as our Cornerstone.

Ask yourself this, who better to build our lives than God Himself, the One Who sees our pasts as well as our futures? Can you build our lives in a away that withstands turbulence beyond your imaginations? Can you successfully resist every fierce storm that attempts to drown your existence and leave you for dead? Can you rebuild that which has been torn down to smitherings? Look at Rome, look at the USA, look at your own life.

Truly all other ground is sinking sand beneath our feet leaving life to be a doubting maze of desert land. Choose God to be your Cornerstone, choose Jesus to be your saving grace and choose life abundantly. It's yours today for the taking!

John 3:16 offers us the life offered nowhere else. "For God loved YOU so much He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, Who willingly suffered and died for YOU so that YOU would have everlasting life."